Are you optimizing your life?
All of us – no matter who we are – can do a little better. Maybe you feel you aren’t living up to your potential, sticking to your goals or developing good habits. Or perhaps your relationships aren’t thriving. Or maybe you feel like you are going through the motions at work. Whatever it is, the science of positive psychology can help by providing practical strategies and tactics that increase happiness and transform lives. Positive Voices® brings this knowledge right from the source: the leading experts in the science of wellbeing.
We bring the experts to you. Whether it’s one of our short videos, worksheets, webinars or online courses, Positive Voices® will help you translate the theory into action. We help you understand the tactics, and tell you exactly how to put it into practice. You can dive in headfirst or you can start taking baby steps. Apply what science is telling us, hearing it right from the mouths of leaders in positive psychology and other social sciences.
Positive Voices Programs

Changemaker Community
You are the change: Ready to take your growth to the next level?
What comes with the Changemaker Community?
- Live interviews with leading experts, changemakers, & positive heroes.
- Engage in powerful discussions in the Changemaker Community Meetings & Facebook group.
- Connect with other passionate people like you who will help you achieve your goals.

The Positive Voices Weekly Intention Meeting (Free Access)
Join our weekly live Zoom session
30 Minutes that Pack a Punch
- Fridays 9 am PT - 9:30 am PT
- Meet like-minded people and set your intentions for the coming week
- Start next week, ready to take it on!

Psychology of Flourishing
Move Beyond Mainstream Motivational Advice By Discovering The Most Powerful Evidence-Based Practices That Upgrade Your Mindset To Achieve Your Best Life
- Learn what keeps you from living your best life.
- Understand how to enhance your belief patterns to improve how you perform.
- Learn how to “win the argument” against your doubts and develop unshakeable confidence.
- Increase your happiness using the power of science.
- Learn the strategies to unlock joy and love in your life.
- Find what is uniquely strong about you and how to harness your strengths.
The Boldness Blueprint Mini-Course
Build Your Boldness With Science
- Learn why people have fear and how fear can show up in our lives
- Understand how fear can hold you back
- Practice science-backed ways to build a boldness mindset and flex your “courage muscles” through practice
- Determine when it might be time to heed your fear and when it might be time to move forward
CARPE You: Your Next Best Act For Women in Midlife
Seize this time in your life!
- Learn why and how this can be a great chapter in your life
- Proactively start building your next act
- Connect with like-minded women in interactive sessions
- Build your energy and zest
- Learn science-backed practices to achieve your goals
Positive Conversations
We believe in the power of conversation in sparking ideas and inspiring positive change within ourselves and within our world.
Latest Articles
Your Happiness Superpower
You have a superpower. You do. Well, we all do. We all have a superpower that is most certainly underutilized in our lives. This superpower is something we can use every day and throughout the day. And whether we use this power or not, it impacts the reality we live...
Focused Surrender
It’s Thanksgiving break. What a time for coming face to face with how things are. Now, I feel like I should share that compared to most of you reading this my Thanksgiving break was unconventional. First, I am Canadian, so I celebrated Thanksgiving in October (please...
Habits: Use less Will Power and Rock your Life
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily." ~ John C. Maxwell When Fall rolls around, much like New Year, I find myself doing a mini “reboot” of sorts. For me, as kids head back to school and all the tomfoolery of summer fades...
Positive Stress: The Choice of Challenge
There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. - Shakespeare In 1998 a group of researchers asked thirty thousand American adults how much stress they had experienced in the past year. They also inquired whether or not the participants believed that...
Living with the Ultimate End in Mind
How do you know if you are living the “right” life? There are many ways to look at this question, but for me, I sometimes ponder the last day of my life. I wonder how I will feel about my life when I am on my deathbed. Will I have regrets? This begs the question: what...
What I Learned From My Summer Internship at Positive Voices
This summer, I’ve had the joy of working with Positive Voices as one of their summer interns. When I first started, I honestly didn’t know exactly what to expect and what I would learn. Looking back at these past 13 weeks, I’m so grateful for the experiences I’ve had,...